


Simultaneous Launch of RetarDino Eggs NFT and RetarDino Game (Phase One – Egg Incubation)

Game access is exclusive to RetarDino Eggs NFT holders.  

In the egg incubation phase, players will care for their NFTs in the game by:

  Maintaining the appropriate temperature for the egg

  Keeping the egg clean

Players can manage the egg’s temperature using an incubator, which operates for a specified duration:

1.  Incubator Level: 2 hours – FREE

2.  Incubator Level: 4 hours – X ACCOUNT POINTS

3.  Incubator Level: 8 hours – 250% * X ACCOUNT POINTS

4.  Incubator Level: 12 hours – 600% * X ACCOUNT POINTS

The incubator is not continuously active; it must be reactivated after its set duration.

For taking care of the NFTs, players will earn Global Account Points and RetarDino Egg NFT Points. Additionally, there will be a separate statistic for the points earned through the referral program.


Phase Two – Post-Hatching of RetarDino Egg NFT

In phase two, after the hatching of RetarDino Egg NFT, players will be able to collect RetarDino Tokens using their RetarDino NFTs. The rarity of RetarDino will depend on the level of care provided during the egg incubation. The rarity levels are as follows:

1.  Common

2.  Uncommon

3.  Rare

4.  Epic

5.  Legendary

Players can send their RetarDino on expeditions and/or farms to enhance their stats and farm RetarDino Tokens. The stats gained by RetarDino NFTs will be important in the subsequent phases of the game.


Phase Three – Base Building with RetarDino NFTs

Each type of RetarDino NFT will specialize in gathering essential resources for base (research center) development. Collected resources will be used to upgrade buildings within the research center, which, depending on their specialization, will generate Token income in this phase. A well-developed research center will qualify the player to advance to phase 4.


Multiplayer Strategy Game (TBA)

Bonus Information: During each phase of the game, RetarDino Park Inc. anticipates random events and special missions. Completing these will entitle players to in-game benefits and rewards.